

2010年03月01日 19:30

A new release and from WAKA and Yuki, In addition a lucky board updated.
新作の発売とラッキー レターのお知らせです。

MODEL HAIR 15 is a 'SEMI LONG', shoulder-length hairstyle that is loved by many people.
This item features fringe into diagonal line above your left eye.
And we can toggle on/off fringe by a dialog menu as you like.
This stuff includes a gift hairstyle , different length fringe one.

MODEL HAIR 15 愛されHairであるセミLONGです。さらさらと揺れる髪が素敵ですよ

And let me intoduce MODEL HAIR 120.
This features straight fringe and looks girly in a way.
And we can toggle on/off fringe by a dialog menu as you like, hope you enjoy both 'girly' and 'sexy'.

W&Y New HAIR 120 こちらの商品はMODEL HAIR15の前髪の違うTYPEです。

W&Y HAIR New M07 is for men, this fits cute boys.
This one is so useful one we can recommend.

W&Y HAIR New M07  men'sHairです。
サラサラ感のあるcute boyにお勧めのHairです。

These items above are available for sale at WAKA and Yuki Main Store.
TYPE A, B, C and D 200L$ each and TYPE ALL 450L$

W&Y MAIN SHOPにての販売となります。
delete 機能付き  各パック商品 200L$ ALL 450L$

Furthermore lucky board is updated.
This hairstyle is what yukitan Farrjones wore at the grand finale of W&Y HAIR COLLECTION 2010.
This one is NOT for sale ! , avalable for lucky board distribution only.
We offer 2 types of hairstyles(black and white flower) as below.

ラッキー商品は、W&Y HAIR COLLECTION 2010 でowner挨拶で付けた髪2タイプです。販売はしません。

Please drop by at WAKA and Yuki Main Store to grab both types!

W&Y Main Store